Yep thats what the new title for this blog should be. Neglected is an understatement..unfortunately I now have NO time for scrapbooking, ever....just busy being a mom and a taxi, and working, maid, cook, you know the drill. I am trying to make a solemn promise to myself that I will update this blog at least once a week. I will start with an easier goal so I dont fail myself :S
I have been making a conscience effort to see every day as a good day....a better than good day, a GREAT day. It doesn't always work, but I keep trying like I should be trying. Wearing a smile is much easier than wearing a frown and it seems to produce much heartier lovely responses from all that you come in contact with. Almost two years ago, that smile was literally removed from my face for a long time when my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I didnt smile for a very long time. Now since she is cancer free and her two year anniversary is in February, I am working everyday to SMILE more. Go ahead and try it...see how good it makes you feel. See if you get good reactions from everyone around you. I dare ya to go out there and just smile. Obvious old quote, keep makes people wonder what you're up to. Well I am up to nothing malicious...I am UP to living a better life for me and for my family. A better environment to be in, all around better for everyone.
I am NOT a writer and I have never claimed to be, but what I know is there are days where I would feel a TON better if I could just sit in front of the computer, and blog blog blog my feelings away.
I know my blog cant tune me out or just keep nodding and sayin Uh huh....I see, blah blah blah blah blah! I want to start a journal but not one on paper, fear of people reading it?!?!? Now how foolish is that?? I know some of you still have my blog bookmarked and its now all over the internet for anyone to read :S I think I will also be writing on this blog more about me and posting more pics of my family and such, using it for personal inspiration instead of personal gains (like scrapbooking). Yeah, that's what I will do, a few inspirations from my head, or desperations depending on the day of the week, a few snapshots of family and we'll call it good...that is if anyone else besides me will be reading it.
So for now, a photo about how our family spent the evening...all dressed in black and ready to support the Iowa Valley volleyball team!

Gawl I love thses kids of mine <3 But for now it's goodnite and hoping to post something more interesting later in the week!