27 November 2006

It'S OveR!

Back to the normal routine....back to work and back to school...and I don't think I could be any happier...LOL! such a fun weekend to not have to do anything pre planned for fjour days. Black Friday was a blast with Averee! Best Buy was out of control and it's a good thing that I did not need to get anything there! Averee did soo well and stayed up nonstop from 4am till about 12:30 without one complaint! She was such a trooper!

Had late Thanksgiving dinner at my mother's house Sunday and got some good pics to share of the fam and the kiddies!!

Just wanted to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you friends that have taken the time to comment on my blog! I love you all!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

look how stinking cute the fam is!!! Glad ya had a good time Friday!!